Making a Biker’s Paradise

Making a Biker’s Paradise

By Sam Celarek

"How might we use SQL and tableau to explore BIXI bike trends to enhance urban mobility in Montreal Canada?"

🎯 Project Overview

Using SQL and Tableau, I embarked on an in-depth exploration of BIXI bike usage data, aiming to uncover insights and patterns that could be leveraged to enhance urban mobility in Montreal, Canada.

📊 Dataset

The primary dataset for this project is the BIXI bike dataset, which contains over 500,000 entries detailing bike usage patterns in Montreal. It encapsulates data on start and end stations, ride durations, user types, and more, painting a comprehensive picture of BIXI bike utilization.

📶 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The EDA was primarily conducted using Tableau, which offered a rich visual platform for dissecting and understanding the data. Through various visualizations, I was able to discern peak bike usage times, popular stations, ride durations, and user trends. These insights can be instrumental in optimizing bike station placements, determining peak supply needs, and tailoring marketing strategies.

Biker's Paradise Image

📈 Analysis

Deployed SQL with Tableau to craft an EDA dashboard and strategic report on BIXI bike usage. Key findings from the analysis include insights into usage patterns, year over year growth, monthly variation, ride duration variation, popular destinations, and different clusters of station usage. A number of business strategies such as dynamic pricing and partnerships along with targeted marketing campaigns to non-member riders were recommended from these observations.

Thank you for your interest in Making a Biker’s Paradise. If you wish to delve deeper into the analysis or have further inquiries, please explore the resources below or contact me at

Best Wishes,
Sam Celarek